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Africa, Destinations

Plettenberg Bay

December 13, 2008 • By

Have spent the last 3 nights in Plett Bay nestled in a corner of the Western Cape where the Indian Ocean meets the world.  Yesterday, we did some of the local activities and wow did we (me and Jill) learn the hard way that the American standards of hiking might not be the South African.  Bottom line: when the book says strenuous hike you should maybe listen to it.  We found ourselves on a beautiful nature walk where we hiked down first to a gorge and then flat for a bit before having to climb and I do mean climb up the side of a mountain.  This would be one of the first examples of why you see people actually using the stair climbers at a gym.  They are in training or want to have a really nice gluteous maximus.  After sweat and tears, we arrived to the monkey reserve.  The monkeys came right up to us.  They are a curious creature. 

We dined with our hotel guests in a 12 person dinner table where we had 4 courses and some of the best conversations.  Of course, Jill and I not ones to keep quiet entertained the table with our tales of politics in the States.  To our surprise, we had a very powerful South African couple at our table—-A former Archbishop and number one to Desmund Tutu and his wife a prominent doctor who lived in DC and worked for the World Bank.  It was a lively conversation to say the least. We had Richard and Yasmine from Nottingham call us “Muffins” which is apparently some derogatory term in a movie where young women work in politics.  While we found it hysterical, he must have felt guilty because at breakfast he apologized and blamed it on his red red wine.  See we all like to blame out mishaps on a rough night of drinking.  Another couple was from the Netherlands  and left their 3 year old daughter home before their second child is born in March.  They were delightful.  Lastly, Nigel and Andi told us all their stories about their children and travels. A good time was had by all.

Lastly, Jill and I had been planning to do laundry today since we leave for Safari Monday.  To our dismay, laundry services are closed on the weekends.  I’ve only been in South Africa for 10 days and I already had to handwash my clothing.  ICK!  Jill told me to aggistate my clothes which I took to mean rough up and scrub.  She was a bit concerned for my well being watching me. I tried telling her it’s an Irish thing.  We aren’t patient….so I found it easier to beat the shit out of my clothes instead of letting them sit and soak.  Don’t worry my clean underwear is drying on a towel in front of our very expensive hotel room for all the guests to enjoy.

I’ll have one last blog tomorrow which is in celebration of my BIRTHDAY on Tuesday since I will be without the computer for a week.  Can you imagine?  I can’t so please don’t remind me.

Africa, Destinations

Driving Etiquette

December 12, 2008 • By

I’ve decided US drivers are in great need of etiquette lessons from South African drivers.  When someone wants to pass you, they give a little flick of the lights.  After they pass, they give you the hazards to say thank you and then you flick the lights back to say thank you back.  I mean it’s all very nice as they are driving you off the road.  After 5 hours of driving, I think there were only 2-3 people who did not show their manners. 

Jill had issues with the entire process since she hasn’t quite mastered the blinker on the right thing but DANG are the car windows clean as a result.  She would try to cover her mistake by washing the windshield often(since our blinker is their windshield wipers).  I on the other hand feel very comfortable hugging the shoulder.  It’s not easy when you see oncoming cars to know where you are on the road. 

As the road signs say, speed kills so I stick to the left – the old ladies pace.